Forgotten Lemons

Ok, ok, ok. I’ll be honest. Our life isn’t always Lemonade. I wish I could say it were but, sometimes (a lot of times), I find a shriveled up lemon lying in the strangest places. I find them in the corner, under the couch, and even tucked away in the dresser drawer. It’s true. Sometimes life deals me lemons (throws them at me super fast) and instead of adding sugar to them,  I hide them or just plain ignore them hoping they will disappear. The thing is, they NEVER disappear. They just sit there shriveling up and then start to stink until I do something with them. Ugh. BUT IT’S SO MUCH WORK TO MAKE LEMONADE SOMETIMES! Do you feel me, or what?!


There were many beautiful days.  Tons of them. Lemonade was aplenty and it was always super sweet and SUPER EASY to make.  And then…BAM! SMACK! POW! (Well that’s certainly what it felt like at the time), my husband was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis.  AKA-MS. This was a life changer (literally and figuratively and vice versa). I had been a stay at home mom for 10 years. Raising our three boys, running the household, cooking the meals.  If I close my eyes and sit really still, I can taste the sweetness of those days. Sometimes the memories escape as tears and I have to remind myself that I still have three incredible boys and a loving husband even though so much has changed.  Those days are in my treasure box.

So, there’s a Lemon (or a lemon tree😉). It’s not sweet. It’s sour, and spoiled, and moldy and well, although we’ve tried and tried to make lemonade with that lemon, it seems to be the never ending lemon that we can’t quite figure out how to get rid of.  Yep.  It nags us, and sometimes I find it rolling around under the sofa…and its moldy,  like fuzzy moldy with old hairs and dust bunnies on it. But, it is our lemon and it’s never going away. That was 4 years ago that we got the diagnosis.

I hope you will join us on our journey, as we add sugar to this life, and enjoy a tall sweet glass of lemonade.